Today I wanted to talk to you about social media and what platforms you should be prioritising for improved engagement. I am tailoring my approach to this from a fashion perspective, this list may not be priorities for other industries but from my perspective, it is for people who wish to improve their social platforms from a fashion perspective.
1. Instagram
There is no doubt instagram is one of the most popular platforms for Gen Z at the moment, and is one of the most fashion oriented, you should definitely be using Instagram if you are a fashion-enthusiast! You should post at least once a day to have the highest engagement. Follow my Instagram below!
2. TikTok
TikTok is one of the newest social platforms and is taking everyone by surge especially during lockdown. TikTok should be used cleverly, especially where it is an upcoming platform. Click HERE to see my TikTok account.
3. 21 Buttons
You have probably seen me plaster my 21 Buttons account everywhere on this blog and my social media. I just love it. You can shop people's fits and usually fashion influencers on Instagram have connected their 21 Buttons so you can shop their fits. Anyone can sign up and earn commission on this platform, I mainly use it as a source of outfit inspiration if I'm honest, but I upload on it regularly too. I wish more people used it! If you're reading his and have an account, drop your username in the comments so I can give you a follow! Or follow HERE.
4. Pinterest
Pinterest is a great site for not only sourcing inspiration but also for creating boards for yourself and others to get inspiration, it is a great platform for fashion. I've recently got so much outfit inspo from Pinterest and I've started making my own boards! Click HERE to see my Pinterest!
5. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is something I was introduced to through Uni, and is actually a really interesting tool for searching for jobs. I find that most jobs which are posted on LinkedIn aren't posted anywhere else. It is good for keeping all of your professional and educational achievements in one place, and it is a great source of research too. I usually update my status' on LinkedIn with my blog posts or achievements like online courses etc. It's really good to connect and network with work colleagues or future employers too. Connect with me on LinkedIn HERE.
6. Facebook
Mother of all Social Media platforms. Facebook has dominated social for a long time now an is still one of the most used platforms. I suggest using Facebook to start up a fashion page just to get more users, I wouldn't say Facebook is hugely important for people looking to be in fashion, but it certainly is a way to keep friends and families in the loop in your journey in fashion, and this is a great tool as not all members of your older family use all the other social platforms which you are engaging with. Follow my Fashion Facebook page below!
There are a few other social media platforms which are 'okay' to use for fashion and inspiration, but I don't use them for that. Twitter I feel like is just for funny videos now, I rarely post anything on Twitter to do with Fashion, and Snapchat is more of a chat site instead of a social media. I do post some stories on here but I find it better to post stories on Instagram for a higher engagement.