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Race For Life - I've signed up 🎀

Hey everyone!!

Need need need to get back into writing on here. Instagram takes up so much of my time I always forget about this platform.

SO NEWS! I have signed up to do Race for Life in 2 weeks for Cancer Research, dedicated to my Auntie Jacque who sadly passed away a couple of weeks a go and my Nan Carol who is currently fighting cancer. I have always wanted to do this - my mum done it and I remember going to watch her do it and it feels very right to do it this year and to raise money for such an amazing cause.

Here is the link below if you would like to sponsor me, any donations would be very much appreciated I would like to raise as much money for Cancer Research UK as I can. I am not a runner so this is definitely a challenge for me in itself too! 💗

Thank you so much! I will definitely be posting my little 5k Race For Life journey on my Instagram @mitchelltilley_ so definitely watch out on there on the 24th April!


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