Jheeze it's been a while since I've written a blog post!
So much has happened in the last couple of months some amazing - some bad. I lost my dog Greg a couple of weeks ago and it has definitely put a spanner in the works with my content creation as it was. huge shock and he was my best friend. Had some other bad news too but I need to push and continue doing what I'm doing!!
So I've been in my new job now just over 5 weeks and I am loving my role and have already been exposed to so much. I hope to produce an IGTV this week explaining all what I have been up to!!
I just wanted to create this post to show a NEW hobby I have started. CANDLE MAKING! So I've seen so many nice candles on socials and Pinterest at the moment and wanted to make my own for my bedroom but then also thought well I'd love to start a small business making them too and create my own moulds eventually. I haven't made my own moulds yet but I hope to very soon as I have some cool ideas. So far, some of my candles have turned out okay and some have turned out not so good. This will come with practise!
I wanted to start this where I haven't really got any hobbies apart from my blog and my Instagram - which at the moment is quite a lot of work on computers and phones where the nature of my job role is computers and phones. My eyes are quite strained all the time so I wanted to start something which can distract me from my phone for a bit in the evenings and on weekends. When I started making these candles it definitely distracted me from my phone and I found it really therapeutic too - especially when adding the scents.
If you want to follow my candle making journey - make sure to follow my account @notyourordinarycandle on Instagram or click the post below!
I hope to get back into updating this regularly - sadly life has taken over right now lol.
Stay safe!
M x