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Cosmetics I've been loving!

So I just realised I haven't posted ANYTHING on my blog about cosmetics which I have been loving! I have on my instagram but a while ago now, maybe I should post more of this?

1. Body Shop Fuji Green Tea Scalp Scrub

When I was researching my final major project I came across a brand specialising in scalp scrubs and it gave all of these positive affects including hair thickness, anti dandruff etc basically suggesting we get this because of product build up. The brand was Monpure and I would LOVE to try their stuff as their statistics on their website look really good but I cannot afford £70 for a scalp scrub which I don't know will work! Luckily Maria works at the Bodyshop and could get me a friend discount on a cheaper scalp scrub and it's so good! Before I dyed my hair I used it twice a week and now I'm going to be using it once a week but I have noticed a difference in my scalp and hair health and I've been using it a few weeks now. If you want to go straight to bodyshop Fugi Green Tea Shampoo you can click the photo and it'll take you there!

Image from The Body Shop Website
Fugi Green Tea Scalp Scrub

2. Glossier Milk Jelly Cleanser

The Glossier Milk Jelly cleanser is so good - when I first got it I didn't get on with it but when my skin got used to it it really done my skin wonders! It's really great to have as a basic cleaner as it's so 'basic' sometimes your skin doesn't need all of the sh*t they're putting into these face washes today!

3. LUSH Lip Scrub

I have always loved LUSH lip scrubs but as we transition into Autumn and Winter I'm sure my lips will dry up more and therefore I'll need toe scrub to remove excess dry skin before applying a lip moisturiser! They are sugar based and taste so nice! They're so reasonably priced too and last forever. This is Vegan too!

Image from BubbleQueen
Bubblegum Lip Scrub

4. The Body Shop Seaweed SPF

Sooo, if anyone hates wearing suncream too, SPF is perfect for you. It is also perfect for your facial skin because it isn't heavy or too oily like suncream is. If you haven't heard of SPF it is what is in suncream, it protects your skin from the sun. Even in the winter you should wear SPF as the sun can still damage your skin even when it is gloomy outside.

Image from The Bodyshop
Seaweed SPF

5. Palmers Coconut Oil

I have used this product for years and recently it has been a life saver when it comes to my hair health! I have bleached my hair like 5 times recently and it has really helped keep my hair less dry and get moisture back into it. What I tend to do is wash my hair every other day, the day I wash my hair I will put the tiniest bit in my hair so it doesn't look greasy, and I'll do the same the day after. When I go to sleep the day before I wash my hair I smother it in my hair so that my hair is literally looking greasy af, but I know that my hair will soak up a lost of that moisture and when I wash my hair the day after it feels so much healthier. This jar of coconut oil has literally lasted me years, I bleached my hair for my prom and remember using it then as it was so damaged and I also used to straighten my hair too and it helped my hair get into a good condition then.


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